Sunday, August 18, 2013

Those With Rage Should Not Meet Each Other

It is so natural that rage, hurt and pain occurs when one is cheated. Consolation and comfort of mind is required and these are gained when they are shared with someone of same experience. The affair is such a private matter that it cannot be shared easily.

However, when this matter is shared, nothing seems to be difficult to mention even the most secretive and private things like sex and so forth. In other words, everything can be told so as to be consoled. The problem here is that not every comfort and sympathy is good.

On the first look, such sharing seems to be comforting but the result in the end is deeper pain and severe rage. They do not go away. They still remain. This is because by speaking and listening to other rage and hurt, one's own rage and hurt are increasing together. Thus, even though the psychological comfort lasts only for a short period of time, the rage may seemed to have been treated. This makes those with hurts and rages get together and share their difficulties. The rage will go larger and the vicious cycle will continue. Thus sharing affair experiences may seem to help the healing process at first sight but it is only temporary and in the end these sharing will induce larger pain and rage. This cannot be any help in solving an affair problem.

There are so many who, by making a wrong decision after listening to others with similar hurts, are led to such unhappiness. Particularly, rages from affair differs in man and woman and they require totally different treatments. If these men and woman with rages of extramarital affair of their spouses, meet each other and share their stories, it will eventually bring other problems different from the initial affair problems.

One should never ever talk about one's affair problem (of the spouse) to a friend of different gender, no matter how close they might be. It is very likely that their relation will become an extramarital affair in turn. This is something not to be overlooked.

In conclusion, affair problem can be shared to be consoled but in fact, it will do more harm than good. Those with rage, should not meet each other. An affair problem needs to be discussed at a session with the help of an affair problem expert.


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