Monday, July 29, 2013

What Comes After Couple Reconciliation?

After an event of a spouse's affair and the other spouse being hurt, Reconciliation can still take place between husband and wife. This is usually considered as a Recovery from affair and couple problem. However, the rage and hurt still remain in the heart of the betrayed, doubt and anger surges and hurt and pain always lingering upon the couple. Words of doubt, causes of couple dispute, reduced couple sex all comes as the aftermath of the affair problem. This is seen almost in every couple faced with affair problem.
Since the reconciliation is done, it is not so easy to relate to the past matter and the trouble is buried deep underneath. After the affair problem, both the husband and the wife has to have a changed idea, action, life and sex life. Without changes, the reconciliation is not complete. Thus, it is only a matter of time the problem will emerge again.
Are you focusing only on the reconciliation alone?
If the couple has reconciled it is a good thing but without solving the hurt deep within each other's heart, it is meaningless.
So, what comes after couple’s reconciliation?
1. Hurt and range, doubt and pain should be treated.
2. Both the couple need to know the exact reason of the affair problem.
3. Both try their best to prevent the affair from happening again.
4. Change the crisis into a chance
Why do we say it is difficult for couple to solve the matter by themselves? For it is almost impossible for the couple to figure out this stages after reconciliation. This is why a couple must be consulted. Reconciliation is important but what is more important is the things after that. It is a hard-working process.
Through this the husband and the wife will change completely and the affair problem
will be completely solved. In other words, thinking that reconciliation and no more happenings is not the right way. In the end it will act as a reason for something bigger.
This is something to be kept in mind all the time.

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